Friday, March 9, 2012


Spread32 (last freeware version) is fully compatible with Microsoft Excel! It is essentially a mini-Excel with all of the basic features that you would expect in a competent spreadsheet program. Run macros, draw objects, generate charts, calculate functions and formulas, its all here. And it reads and writes xls, csv, text, and pxl formats.

  • 256 columns x 65536 rows x 255 sheets
  • supported operations: + - * / ^ % &
  • 306 functions
  • cut, copy, paste, clear
  • insert/delete rows and columns
  • hide/unhide rows and columns
  • hide/show row and column headings
  • find text in formula or result
  • goto specified cell
  • sort selected cells, rows, columns or whole sheet with multiple keys
  • freeze panes
  • sheet/column/row/cell formatting:
    • column width
    • row height
    • number formats (general / fixed / currency / accounting / date / time / percent / fraction / scientific / text / custom)
    • alignment (horizontal:general/left/center/right/fill, vertical:top/center/bottom)
    • font (bold, italic, underline, name, size, color)
    • borders (top, left, bottom, right, style, color)
    • zoom
    • background (pattern, color)
  • charts (column, line, scatter)
  • named ranges
  • import/export Excel files
  • import/export Pocket Excel files
  • import/export CSV files
Click Here to Download ...

1 comment:

  1. Super Article. Really Helpful. For more information check Spread32 review
